Enter Your Custom Expense Details Below
Enter Sales Price      
Seller Contribution      
Processing/Transaction Fee (Ask your agent)      
Annual property taxes      
Month of closing       
  Total Custom Expenses      
Existing Mortgages/Seller Financing Etc.         
1st Mortgage Principal Bal      
Equity Line      
Liens, etc:      
  Total Mtgs. / Financing      
Estimate of Standard Expenses         
  State Doc. Stamps ($0.70/$1000)      
Closing Fee      
Lien and Title Search Fee      
Association Estoppel Fee      
Misc./Recording Fees      
Courier Fee      
Owner's Title Policy      
Total Commission ( As a percentage)      
  Total Expenses      
  Total Expenses & Liens      
Approximate Net to Seller
Other expenses or credits may include but are not limited to the following:
Proration of: taxes, insurance, maintenance/homeowner association fees, rental payments, attorney's fees, cost of repairs, mortgage interest from last payment, satisfaction of existing liens or assessments, cost of estoppel lettters, any escrow balances, security deposits, advance rental payments, pre-payment penalties, payoff of existing liens/assessments, mortgage escrow account balance, tenant security deposits, advance rental payments, mortgage prepayment penalties.