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Fibromyalgia Book Quizzes
Type in the number related to the frequency of your symptoms
0 - Never experience
1 - Less than once per month
2 - Weekly or more than 4 times per month
3 - Daily or more than 3 times per week
Focus on the areas with the highest scores.
Stress and Adrenal Fatigue Quiz
Panic attacks
Feel tired and wired
Get fatigued easily
Crave sweets
Crave salt
Get dizzy when rising
Tired even after sleeping well
Have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep all night
Cannot concentrate
Oxidative Stress
Exposed to environmental chemicals at home or at work
Sensitive to smells like fragrances, smoke, and chemicals
Have colds or sinus infections
Eat more than two servings of processed (boxed, microwave) meals
Eat sugary treats or white flour products
Eat less than 5 servings of fruit and vegetables
Exercise less than 30 minutes 3 times per week
Drink more than 3 alcoholic drinks per week
Smoke cigarettes or are exposed to cigarette smoke
Energy Metabolism Quiz
Too tired to do what I want to do
Wake up unrefreshed
Have chronic muscle aches or weakness
Have chronic infections
Feel irritable and moody
Tired after exercise
Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
Feel depressed often
Poor memory and concentration
Commonly exposed to pesticides or other household chemicals
Toxic Quiz
Less than 1 bowel movement per day
Drink tap water or soft drinks instead of filtered water
Sensitive to caffeine (stays in system a long time)
Sensitive to perfumes and other smells
React to MSG and other preservatives
Treat my home for insects more than once per year
Have more than 2 mercury fillings in my mouth
Sweat less than 3 times per week
Have headaches often
Exposed to chemicals at work or home daily
Digestion Quiz
Have heartburn or take anti-acids daily
Have fullness or bloating often after eating
Tired after eating
Less than one bowel movement per day
Have food reactions
Crave sweets and bread
Have undigested food in my stool
Have reoccurring yeast infections
Stools have a strong odor
Thyroid Quiz
Have cold hands or feet often
Have thin hair or lose many hairs daily
Frequently constipated
Weak outside edge eyebrows
Have dry skin
Weak sex drive
Weak memory and concentration
Swollen hands or feet
Tend to be depressed
Essential Fatty Acids Quiz
Joints are achy or stiff
Skin is dry or flaking
Nails are soft or brittle
Thirsty often
High blood pressure
High cholesterol