Pre-College Evaluation
Before spending thousands on college counseling, determine what you need
    Scope of Services
Assess Current Status For College Admissions & Grant/Scholarship Eligibility
·        Calculate Competitive Position (College Admissions Profile Index)
·        Transcript Review 
·        High School Profile Review
·        Standardized Testing Review
·        GPA conversion to 4.0 unweighted scale
·        College Aid Eligibility – Need Based and/or Merit Based (Optional but included)
·        College List Recommendations
·        Ongoing Access to College Planning Software(through high school graduation)
·        Special Circumstances Review (IEC. 504, Ex Function, etc.)
·        Student Personality & Career Profile
Follow Up Recommendations Will Be Focused But Not Limited To
·        Financial aid and merit scholarships
·        College funding and use of personal financial resources
·        Enhanced college search strategies
·        College applications and essays
·        Time management/Project management
     Specific additional services if necessary
Fixed Fee:  $2,500
Click "Next" below to proceed.
  Strategies For College, Inc.  
  Consulting Services Agreement & Payment Information  
      Please enter Yes or No next to each choice below  
Diagnostic Evaluation Package
Noncustodial parent add-on
Total Cost of Services
Initial Below
I wish to purchase the services indicated above.  By completing the information
below, I authorize Strategies For College, Inc. to utilize my payment method.
  Client First  Name  
  Client Last Name  
  Student First Name  
  Student Last Name  
  Name of High School  
  Parent Email  
  Parent Mobile  
Payment Method:
Credit Card #
Exp Date (MM/YY)
Bank Routing #
Bank Account #
To submit your request, click "Finish" below. Thanks.