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Dressage Judge Information Sheet
Event Name
Southern Solstice Dressage Comp
Dressage Judge Coordinator
Elissa Forbes (0447-751-402)
Event Date
20/21 January 2024
Judge's Name
Judge's Level
Judge's Address
Judge's Mobile
Judge's Email
Conflict of Interest:
Please list those competitions or competitors
in which there
may be a conflict of interest
Any special requirements the Organising Committee should be aware of:
Judges Lunches, Morning & Afternoon Teas
For Saturday, it is necessary to pre-order lunch, and morning & afternoon teas.
The canteen is offering:
Chicken & Salad Rolls; Ham & Salad Rolls; Chicken Burgers; Gluten Free Quiches & Salad; Vegetarian Quiches & Salad; Ham, Cheese & Tomato toasties; Sausage Rolls; Pies; Cakes/Slices; Cheesecake slices; Fruit cups, and Drinks & Water
If you could indicate your choices and quantities below for morning tea; lunch and afternoon tea and any dietary requirements.
I will accept the recommended reimbursement
in the EWA Handbook
F - C Level Judge - $30/hour
Please Select
I wish to discuss
A - B Level Judge - $35/hour
Please Select
Please arrange accommodation
I will arrange my own accommodation
I wish to discuss
(where it exceeds 50km/round trip @ 68cents/km)
My km's from home to the event and return:
Agreed Travel Reimbursement:
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