West Plantagenet Pony Club  
  Proudly presents  
  Unofficial Dressage Day   
  Saturday, 24 February 2024  
  Entry Form  
  (Entries Close: 18 February 2024)  
  Rider Details    
  Rider Name  
  Mobile Phone  
  Membership Type
  PCWA Member Number  
  PCWA Open Rider number  
  Age at 1/1/2024 (if PCWA)  
  Guardian (if rider under 18-years)
  Do you want your results submitted to PCWA Leaderboard
  Horse/Pony Details    
  Horse Name  
  Horse's Age  
  Helper Duties  
  Helper Name  
  Job Preference
  No self-help for riders riding 2 horses     
  Classes: To enter please indicate  'X' alongside the particular test  
  Leadline/First Ridden Walk/Trot Test PCWA  (2001)  
  2023 EA Preparatory Test 1  
  2023 EA Preparatory Test 2 (only for Prep level)  
  2023 EA Preliminary 1.1  
  2023 EA Novice 2.1   
  2023 EA Elementary 3.1  
  2023 EA Medium 4.1  
  2023 EA Advanced 5.1  
  Prix St George (2022)  
  Intermediate 1 (2022)  
  "Off the Track" Award
  OTT: Racing Name
  OTT: Horse Passport ID Number
  Lunch Order (Also available: Morning/Afternoon Teas & Drinks)  
  Roast Beef & Salad Sandwich - $6  
  Roast Chicken & Salad Sandwich - $6  
  Salad Box - $4  
  Sausage Sizzle - $4  
  Total Cost  
  Tests: Number of Tests
  Entry Fee @ $25.00 per test  
  PCWA Leaderboard Levy  ($2.50)  
  Lunch Payment  
  Helper Fee ($40 if no helper duty indicated)  
  Total Fees:  
Your Entry will not be accepted without payment of the above fee
Direct Transfer
Account Name WPPC
BSB 633-000
Account Number 112370697
  Reference "DD" & Surname  
  Payment Receipt Details    
  Receipt Number  
  Dangerous Activity Acknowledgement    
  Horse Sports are a Dangerous Activity  
  In consideration for being permitted to participate in any way in horse sport activities, I, the undersigned, understand, acknowledge and accept that:  Horse sports are a dangerous recreational activity and horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable (changeable) way, especially if frightened or hurt.  There is a significant risk that serious INJURY or DEATH may result from horse sport activities.  I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, and I voluntarily PARTICIPATE at my OWN RISK and assume sole responsibility for any injury, death or property damage I may suffer that arises from my participation in horse sport activities.  I understand and acknowledge the dangers associated with the consumption of alcohol or take drugs prohibited by law before or during any horse sports activities.  I agree not to drink alcohol or take drugs prohibited by law before or during any horse sports activities.  I agree to follow the directions of any event organizer or official and that any misconduct or refusal by me to follow any direction of any organizer or official can result in the CANCELLATION of my participation in the activities and my immediate removal from my horse NO MATTER where that may occur.  I understand that any such non-compliance may result in injury, death and/or permanent disability as a result of my failure to comply.  I agree to wear a helmet at all times whilst riding and agree that I am solely responsible for ensuring that I wear a suitable helmet at all times whilst riding and take sole responsibility for my actions.  I have had sufficient opportunity to read this assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms and sign it freely and voluntarily.  
    Rider Name  
  Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement (for riders under the age of 18-years)  
  This is to certify that I, as a Parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, acknowledge, understand and accept ALL OF THE ABOVE and consent and agree to my minor child’s involvement or participation in horse sport activities.  
  I hereby give permission for West Plantagenet Pony Club Committee members to use my name in print and to use photos for reporting the event however is required by the WPPC members.  
West Plantagenet Pony Club  
Proudly presents  
Unofficial Dressage Day   
Saturday, 24 February 2024  
 Frost Oval, McDonald Avenue, Mt Barker  
*NEW FORMAT:   1 test/level  
Classes – Preparatory to Intermediate 1, led, PCWA and Open  
Part of the PCWA  Dressage Leaderboard.    
EA Competitor/Participant members on official horses are welcome to enter with a PCWA Open Riders public liability.
Part of the 3-Competition Challenge with SDDC (Highest scorers in each level at 3 competitions)  
OTTWA sponsorship with cash/prizes/rosettes  
Ribbons/Prize only for led class.  
Championship prizes for PCWA and Open classes  
Entries online & close - Sunday 18th February 2024 (www.westplantagenetponyclub.com)  
Enquiries:  [email protected]  
Championship Prizes:  For the highest totalled scores of two tests ridden across 2 levels, ie 1.1 & 2.1.  To be eligible riders must achieve more than 55% for each test and not be eliminated. If a tie the highest score on the highest level test will be the winner (ie. If 1.1 and 2.1, the highest score on the 2.1 will be the winner), if still a tie the highest collectives of the highest test will be the winner. Riders can be eligible for 2 Champions if riding 2 horses at different levels. Age classes to be decided by the committee. The following Championships are offered.  
Preparatory 1 & Preliminary 1.1  PCWA & Open  
Preliminary 1.1 & Novice 2.1  PCWA & Open  
Novice 2.1 & Elementary 3.1  PCWA & Open  
Elementary 3.1 & Medium 4.1  PCWA & Open  
Advanced/PSG/Inter 1 – 2 tests ridden   PCWA & Open  
3-Competition Challenge: Consisting of highest point scorers from Prep to Inter 1 over 3 events covering WPPC DD, "No Frills" and the Albany Show. Prizes awarded at Albany Show competition.  
OTTWA Prizes:  1st, 2nd &  3rd  prize awarded to the OTT thoroughbred or standardbred with highest totalled 2 tests.  Rider must supply horses racing name and horse passport ID number.  
Please Note:  
A horse may only be ridden for a total of 2 tests for the day.  A rider may only ride 2 horses for the day with a maximum of 4 tests.  Horses must be 4 years of age.     
A rider may only ride the 2 preparatory tests if not riding at the preliminary level, and note there is no Championship prize for riding 2 Preparatory tests.  
The led/first ridden test may be called and supported by a runner, please email for a copy of this test (Ribbon/prize only for led class)  
Get your entry in early as there are only 120 tests that can be ridden for the day.  Refunds will only be given after the close of entries (18th February 2024) with a vet or medical certificate.  
Entry Fees:  $25/test plus $2.50 for PCWA leaderboard entries.  
Self Help.  No self-help for riders riding 2 horses.   
If unable to self-help or supply a helper,  a helper fee of $40 is required.  
PCWA Leaderboard. The Leaderboard is open to PCWA riders up to the age of 24.  If you nominate to have your results submitted to PCWA leaderbaord a levy fee of $2.50 is charged.  
All open riders must have one of the following:  
1.      PCWA competition participant Top Up $72 with own alternate insurance like EWA.  
2.     PCWA Open Rider $172 which includes insurance.   
Apply online on the PCWA website under Open Riders.  Pony club members (<25years of age) will automatically be entered in the dressage series with PCWA.  Age as at 1st January 2024.  Pony club uniform to be worn as a PCWA event.  
EWA competitor and participant members on official horses are also welcome to enter (at the level in which they are graded) with a PCWA Competition Participant insurance.  Open riders to wear neat attire (jacket).  
Tests ridden can be used to qualify for PCWA State Dressage Championships and EA Interschools.  
Tests are available on the EA website. Test sheets will be available for collection after the last test is ridden (please don’t ask, they can be mailed if requested). Plaiting is encouraged please.  
Great prizes for all classes. Rider door prize, $100 cash, drawn at prize giving.  
Great prizes for all classes.  
Many thanks to our generous sponsors:  
Southern Haulage Industries, Nutrien Mt Barker, Mt Barker Vet Clinic, Crofts Automotive Repairs, Great Southern Fuels, Tankman Mt Barker, Sanitary Albany,Galfrey Wines,OTTWA and GSR Rural