SimHerd-Flex: X-Zelit  
  Basic assumptions        
  Herd size      
    Milk price, ppl      
Is X-Zelit replacing a DCAD diet in your strategy?
No: It is assumed that X-Zelit reduces milk fever and hypocalcemia with 77%.
Yes: By replacing DCAD by X-Zelit, it is assumed that milk fever and hypocalcemia is reduced by 64% It is assumed that the DCAD diet in itself also has a reducing effect (32%) and by removing DCAD, this effect disappears.
The assumptions (77% and 32%) can be changed under "Prices and Assumptions"
X-Zelit replaces DCAD diet? 
Is X-Zelit only used for the dry-cows or also for the close-up heifers? When using it only for dry-cows the costs of X-Zelit are lower, but the benefit as well, since we will not have an effect in the first lactation. Use on dry-cows and heifers?
This is the total number of treatments when you have chosen to either treat Dry-cows and heifers, or the Dry-cows only
Total number of treatments/year
    Herd data  
Your "Today" situation. Here you can specify the KPI of your herd Today 
In this column, the model presents the expected changes for each KPI compared to the "Today situation", as a result of using X-Zelit. Change
Milk yield per cow per year: total milk delivered in the herd divided by the average, total number of cows in the herd during the year: total number of lactating and dry-cows. Milk yield, liter/cow/year
Proportion of cows leaving the herd (mortality + culling) during the year. Replacement rate
    Productive-life, years    
    Lifetime yield, liter    
    Disease treatments per 100 cows        
Clinical cases (treatments) of milk fever per 100 calvings.   Milk fever
Subclinical cases of hypocalcemia per 100 calvings.   Subclinical Hypocalcemia  
Clinical cases of ketosis (acetonemia) and displaced abomesum per 100 calvings (the sum of these two diseases should be entered here)   Metabolic diseases
Clinical cases of retained placenta and metritis per 100 calvings (the sum of these two diseases should be entered here)   Reproductive diseases
This is the benefit of using X-zelit: the annual increase in net return in your farm. Below "Benefit breakdown" you can see how the benefit is divided into different elements Benefit, £ per year
        Per treatment Per year  
Costs of X-Zelit during the pre-fresh treatment Costs of X-Zelit, £
Costs of a DCAD diet per pre-fresh treatment. Costs of DCAD diet (+ bolus), £
Reduction (or increase) in need for labor related to the pre-fresh treatments when switching to X-Zelit. This can concern labor related to supplementing boluses, urin-pH measurements and other dry-cow routines. Reduction in labor, minutes
Total savings, in case X-Zelit replaces a DCAD diet Savings, £ per year
Increase in annual benefit, minus the increase in costs of X-Zelit but also any savings (in case X-Zelit replaces a DCAD diet) Profit, £ per year
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SimHerd-Flex: X-Zelit
Benefit per year £          
Benefit per cow per year £          
The pie-chart shows where the Benefit comes from:
Milk sales: higher yield of cows and higher delivery percentage to the factory (less antibiotic treatments of reproductive disease)
Livestock sales: fewer cows are culled and instead more heifers are sold as livestock
Treatment costs: fewer vet. treatment costs for milk fever, reproductive and metabolic diseases.
Benefit Breakdown (read me)
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Prices and Assumptions  
Milk price, ppl
Feeding costs, £ per kg DM
Treatment costs, £ per case   
  Milk fever
  Reproductive disease
  Metabolic disease
Insemination, £ per breeding 
Labor, £ per hour
Surplus heifer, £ per heifer
Slaughter cow, £ per cow
It is assumed that using X-Zelit reduces milk fever and hypocalcemia with 75%. Reduction milk fever and hypocalcemia due to X-Zelit, %
A DCAD diet also has an effect in terms of reducing milk fever and hypocalcemia. In case X-Zelit is replacing a DCAD diet, it is assumed the effect of the DCAD diet disappears. The default value for this effect is assumed to be 30%. Reduction milk fever and hypocalcemia due to DCAD (+bolus), %
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