This web page contains a live and functional spreadsheet created with
. Please enable JavaScript in your web browser for the live calculations to work properly.
Filing Status
Married Filing Jointly
Married Filing Separately
Head of Household
Annual income
Current number of exemptions
Typically the total number of people in your household
Number of children under 17
Dependents under 17 may be eligible for the child tax credit.
California resident?
If not a CA resident you can manually enter your state income tax as part of deductible property tax below to have it accounted for correctly.
Number of children exactly 17 years old
The final GOP tax bill extends the CTC to 17 year old dependents
Tax deductions
Existing Tax Plan
Final GOP Bill
Pre-tax retirement contributions (401ks, etc.)
These contributions reduce adjusted gross income and are therefore not part of your itemized deductions.
Deductible property tax
This deduction is limited by the GOP tax bill. Enter the full amount to see the difference.
Deductible interest on primary mortgage
This calculator assumes this is your home now and not a future purchase when deduction limits may be lower.
Interest on Home Equity Loans
The GOP tax bill removes the deduction on interest for home equity loans.
Deductible charitable contributions
Total medical and dental expenses
Enter your total medical expenses. Expenses over 10% of income are currently deductible. The GOP tax bill with reduce the threshold to 7.5%.
Deductible interest on student loans and deductible education costs
Please enter the currently deductible amount only.
Other uncommon deductions
Enter other deductions you have that are not included above.
CA state income tax
This is federally deductible under current law but may be limited under the GOP tax bill.
If your itemized deductions are less than the standard deduction, the standard deduction is used.
Your total deductions
Taxable Income = Annual Income - (Deductions and Exemptions)
Your Taxable Income
Federal Taxes
Family tax credits
Taxes owed under current law and the GOP tax bill.
Taxes owed
This is your marginal tax rate, or the percent you owe for each extra dollar of income.
Your tax bracket