**** Call for Speakers ****
  Please complete the form below by Wednesday, November 27, 2024. At that time, IGSHPA will be finalizing speaker selections for the conference and begin scheduling of workshop tracks. Thank you for your support of IGSHPA! We look forward to seeing you in Champaign in March 2025!
  Name   Company
  Address   City
  State/Province Postal Code Country   e-mail Phone
  Title of presentation   Theme/Topic (e.g., "New approach to …")
Would you like to join IGSHPA's Speakers' Bureau?*
  Abstract (approx. one paragraph)        
  When you are satisfied with your submission, click on the "Submit" button below. IGSHPA will be contacting all speakers by January 17, 2025, with a response to your submission. Although we would like to be able to accept all submissions, we are limited by the amount of time slots and the complimentary nature of the topics with other speaker submissions. Therefore, not all submissions will be accepted as a workshop for the conference. We will keep your submission on file in case there may be another option for this topic (e.g., Town Halls, Dig Deeper webinars, etc.) with your permission. Thank you for your submission!
  *Joining IGSHPA's Speakers' Bureau places your name on a list of potential presenters at state/provincial conferences, webinars, and other industry events. IGSHPA does not share contact information with other organziatizations unless you have checked the box that you are interested in allowing your name to be on a list that state and provincial GSHP associations can access for potential speaking opportunities.