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SimHerd-Flex: X-Zelit
Basic assumptions
Herd size
Milk price, ppl
X-Zelit replaces DCAD diet? 
Use on dry-cows and heifers?
Total number of treatments/year
Herd data Today  Change
Milk yield, kg ECM/cow/year
Replacement %
Milk fever %
Subclin. Hypoca. % 
Metabolic diseases %
Reproductive diseases %
Benefit, £ per year**
Per treatment Per year
Costs X-Zelit, £
Costs DCAD diet, £
Labor reduction, minutes
Total savings, £
Profit, £
**Benefit breakdown
[No canvas support]
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Prices and Assumptions

SimHerd-Flex: X-Zelit
Milk price, ppl
Feeding costs, £ per kg DM
Treatment costs per case, £
Milk fever
Reproductive disease
Metabolic disease
Insemination and synchronisation, $ per breeding
Labor, $ per hour
Surplus heifer, $ per heifer
Slaughter cow, $ per cow
Reduction milk fever and hypoca. due to X-Zelit, %
Reduction milk fever and hypoca. due to DCAD (+bolus), %
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