Times of Your Life DVDs & Video
Estimated Project Costs
Fields in BLUE have an arrow to a drop down menu to make a selection  
Fields in YELLOW just enter a number    
Item Description Enter Answer Cost
Package What basic effects package to you want?  Silver, Gold or Platinum
Number of Photos/Images Approximately how many total images do you think you'll have?
Music Do you want Times of Your Life DVDs to purchase the legally-obtained music for you?
Approximate number of songs needed (assumes a song is 3 minutes) ------
Custom Text Slides Do you have longer text, like poems, Psalms, quotes or testimonials you want to include in a custom-designed text slide?  If yes, enter the number of slides. This is an estimate. Actual cost will be determined once we see the text.
Video Clips Do you have short, ready-to-use video clips?  If yes, enter number of clips. Each clip is $20
Photo Enhancement Do you have photos that may need moderate restoration (i.e. remove bad scratches, rip marks, etc.)? If yes, enter the number of photos.
Narration Do you have narration (voice over)? Costs TBD. Please call us to discuss the details.
Rush Service From the time your materials are received, if there are less than 10 business days to complete your project, rush service will be needed. Rush service has a turn-around time of 1-5 days. THIS IS THE MINIMUM COST. The actual cost will depend on the size and project complexity and when the project must be completed.
Continuous Play DVD Do you want a DVD that starts automatically and plays continuously (i.e. loops) until you stop it?
Additional DVD Copies Do you want additional copies of the DVD? If yes, enter the number.
Photo/ Image CD Do you want a photo CD that contains all the scanned images?  If yes, enter the number of CDs you want.
Flash Drive or Download Link with Video File Do you want the actual video file to save on youir computer or other devices? We provide either on a flash drive or we will email you a link to download the file onto your computer?
Permanent Web Page With this link, the video can be viewed on any device, anytime, with internet/wifi access. You can send/forward this link to others.
Shipping & Handling Includes packing materials and packing. Standard shipping uses Priority Mail from the Post Office (2-4 business days). FedEx overnight or 2nd is avaialble at additional cost. These are estimates. Final costs to be determined based on actual shipping address
  Total Estimated Cost