Tow Vehicle Details (Default values are Landcruiser 200 Series)    
  Vehicle Kerb Weights kg   Dimensions from Bullbar mm  
  Front Axle  Weight   Engine Bay Cargo  
  Rear Axle Weight   Front Axle  
        Front Seat  
  Vehicle Weight Limits kg   Rear Seat  
  Gross Vehicle Mass   Rear Axle  
  Front Axle Maximum Load    Cargo Area  
  Rear Axle Maximum Load    Towball  
  Vehicle Towing Limits kg      
  Maximum Towball Mass         
  Maximum Tow Capacity        
  Gross Combination Mass        
  Trailer Details (Default values are JB Gator-X Caravan)    
  Trailer Tare Weights kg   Dimensions from Tow Ball mm  
  Trailer Mass @ Tare   Front Storage Box  
  Tow Ball Mass @ Tare   Load Zone 1  
        Load Zone 2  
  Trailer Weight Limits kg   Load Zone 3  
  Aggregate Trailer Mass   Centre of Axle Group  
  Maximum Tow Ball Mass   Load Zone 4  
  Axle Group Load Capacity   Load Zone 5  
      Load Zone 6  
        Rear Storage Box  
Enter Added loads in each location on the Trailer              
(Calculated TBM is automatically transferred to the Tow Vehicle)  
  Towball Front Box Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Axle(s) Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Rear Box
Added Loads (kg): 
Added TB/Axle Loads                
Total TB Load:      Total Axle Load:         
Actual Trailer Mass:         
Total Payload: 
Dimensions 0
Towball Load
Axle Load
Enter Added loads in each location on the Vehicle  
  Bullbar / Bumper Engine Bay Front Axle Front Seats Rear Seats Rear Axle Cargo Area Trailer TBM  
Added Loads (kg):   
Added Axle Loads          
Axle Kerb Weights          
Total Axle Loads (kg):           
Actual GVM (kg):       
Actual GCM (kg):       
Total Payload (kg):       
Dimensions 0  
Axle 1 Load  
Axle 2 Load